About Holo

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Creating a Distributed Hosting Network for Distributed Applications

Holo Limited is a cloud hosting company that is fully owned by Holochain Foundation. Holo Ltd. is responsible for the building of the components of the Holochain network, HoloPorts, HoloFuel, and the Holo hosting apps necessary for creating a distributed hosting network for distributed applications. Holo is responsible for adhering to all regulatory requirements related to the business of Holo and operations of the HoloFuel cryptocurrency reserves, while Holochain remains a distinct Open Source project with related intellectual property residing in the Foundation.

In conceptualizing Holochain, the founders were committed to creating a sustainable economic model for the open-source project. Many open-source software projects accept contributions, in the form of money and code, from corporate users of the software. Holochain approached this differently. Rather than asking for support from a business, the Holochain Foundation decided to create its own business, Holo Inc., and have that business provide primary sustenance for the foundation.

Latest Holo news

Volla Partnership Announcement

Holochain on Mobile

Holo launch brief No 3

Holo launch brief No 3 with CEO Mary Camacho.

Holo AMA No. 57

Holo AMA No. 57 with David Atkinson, Arthur Brock, and Matthew Schutte.

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