Mary Camacho - Speaker Media Kit 1020 KB

Bio's & Intro

Bio Short
With Holochain, we are providing a neutral territory for coordination at scale, a technology needed for solving global problems and fostering thriving, regenerative, creative communities and economies. As Executive Director of Holochain & CEO at Holo, Mary drives innovation and delivery with a global and culturally diverse team.

Bio Longer — with 84 Words
Based in Gibraltar, Mary is the ED of Holochain and CEO of Holo, the cloud hosting platform which connects Holochain distributed apps to today's DNS based Internet. Holochain solves big problems required for global health. It's a P2P networked data-integrity engine that provides a neutral territory for coordination between disparate actors, addressing supply chain, value flow, accounting and remote device/sensor technologies. A profound step forward in DLT with no mining, and no expensive storage costs Holochain is tech at the edge of innovations.

Bio Longer alternate about Mary - Use for cloud conferences - with 77 Words
A social scientist by education, with a Masters degree from the University of Chicago, Mary Camacho has been a leader, founder and executive in tech and telecom firms for over 20 years. She has advised many startups in strategy, funding and product development. Today, Mary is the CEO of Holo Limited based in Gibraltar. Holo, built on the new peer-to-peer application framework Holochain, is driving innovation at the edge with a P2P marketplace for cloud hosting services.

Bio Extra Short
Executive Director & CEO, Holochain & Holo
Future of Web3 and Distributed, Collaborative Tech

Mary's Categories
Preference for Speaking Type: Panels, Main Stage or Interviews

Mary's Topics
  • Executing with Notacles: Taking DAO social and governance on-(Holo)chain
  • Regulatory challenges at the intersection of Web3 and utility/asset backed currency
  • Easy as 1-2-3: Creative collaborations & events with Holochain and Rain.
  • Guaranteeing rights to end users: identity and data-control
  • Provenance & Trust: foundations for a regenerative green economy
  • Changing global policy and impacts to Web3 entrepreneurs
  • Decentralising Web3 Communities with Holochain

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Mary Camacho's Conference in Crypto Gibraltar 2022
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Mary Camacho's Conference in Crypto Gibraltar 2022

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