Coming off the announcement of our patent recently, we have seen incredible growth in our community and in the media mentions for Holo and Holochain in the past few weeks.One way you can see the growth is in this aggregation of just the Holo Followers. Yesterday, more than 800 people gathered in our Holochain Meetup and this morning, nearly 300 attended the livestream Build It event.In Holochain news, optimised proxy code has now been integrated with the rest of our networking code and is being tested, we found and are fixing a bug it caused in network metric tracking.Our PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) application work has yielded the most sophisticated validation code we've yet seen in a Holochain app. To support it we've released new tools for mocking interactions with Holochain for developers to test their complex apps. We've managed to eliminate all dependencies on links from Deepkey's validation code to optimise it for completely deterministic results.We're revamping our data query cascade to take advantage of the SQLite's indexing abilities as we integrate it more deeply into Holochain's core.In Holo dev news, we finished adding new integration and unit tests for Elemental Chat last week. We further improved the signup process and added a joining code validation which will be a required field when we launch the hosted version of the app.We have been updating our hosted happ infrastructure to work with the latest version of Holochain so that when the new Holochain proxy code lands we can quickly integrate those updates on the Holo side. Specifically we've recently finished updating Chaperone, Envoy, and HPOS Holochain API. We've also added code that will automatically install hosted holochain apps onto the HoloPort (previously this was being done manually during our dev tests).One key issue we discovered which can disrupt HoloPort operations happens when a web user closes the browser tab during signup.We've implemented several changes to account for this that are in review & we're working to complete another component before we can test end to end. Parallel to all of this work on Holo, we're writing resilience tests, and we're putting the finishing touches on the UI for the next release of Host Console, which will show hosts real data usage about the Holochain apps their HoloPorts are hosting.The team is appreciating all the energy and support from the community. Lots more to come soon.
About Holo
Holo is a distributed cloud hosting marketplace for peer-to-peer apps built on Holochain. We're helping to build a better Web.
Holo is to cloud hosting what Airbnb was to hotels—anyone can become a host by turning their computer into a source of revenue, getting paid in HoloFuel for hosting peer-to-peer applications to the legacy web. By hosting P2P apps, you support a web that empowers your peers and communities.
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