Testing and development continues for the next two milestones: 'HoloFuel Countersigning' and 'Hosting Payments Alpha'. There are considerable functional dependencies between these two milestones. Registration for all apps in the Holo platform is now working and passing all QA tests. The HoloFuel app has been integrated into Publisher Portal and the Host Console, as some of our HP Alpha hosts have already noticed. We have not yet passed all transactional testing for countersigning as we wait for several updates from Holochain which are expected in upcoming weekly releases.
As mentioned last week, the Holochain dev team recently reached two important milestones. The 'Opening & Closing Chains for App Updates' is very useful for apps in the real world, and something smart contracts are challenged by. The other milestone, 'Clonable DNAs in hApps,' provides a large realm of new possibility because it allows end users to create a new instance of the hApp, for a smaller subset of users--such as collaboration spaces, creative canvases, or private chat rooms.
About Holo
Holo is a distributed cloud hosting marketplace for peer-to-peer apps built on Holochain. We're helping to build a better Web.
Holo is to cloud hosting what Airbnb was to hotels—anyone can become a host by turning their computer into a source of revenue, getting paid in HoloFuel for hosting peer-to-peer applications to the legacy web. By hosting P2P apps, you support a web that empowers your peers and communities.